Saturday, May 28, 2011

Lessons Learned Online

I was reading a post on another blog about things the blogger had learned in his two years writing online.

It got me thinking-I've only been writing a short time, but after being online for about a decade I've learned some lessons over all.

  1. You really can't make millions in your sleep.
  2. Lots of people have cute cats.
  3. Every news site reports the same news.
  4. Spam is more than just canned meat.
  5. I have body parts that need to be enlarged that I didn't even know I had.
  6. People will say anything if they think they're annonymous.
  7. Be careful what you wear to WalMart.
  8. You have more "friends" from high school on Facebook than you every had real friends while you were in school.
  9. There are many talented people with videos on YouTube; unfortunately, some of them are talented at really weird things.
  10. Some celebrities just can't stay out of trouble.
At least I've been payin' attention!


  1. I can confirm eight out of ten. The other two I'm not sure of--numbers five and seven, but that doesn't matter: they are your truths, and that's all that counts.

  2. Number 5 refers to various spam emails I,ve gotten over the years. And if you've seen the People of Walmart site, you'll understand #7!
