Sunday, December 19, 2010

Done At Last

When, exactly, did Christmas become a project?  One year you're under the tree in your jammies, happily ripping things open- the next, you're the one out in the crowds shopping.  At least this weekend I got it all done- the presents are wrapped, the tree is up ( till the cats get at it,at least!).  Now all I need to do is food shop- that's simple enough.

Had some technical difficulties wrapping this year- the tape just didn't go where I wanted it to.  I even bought the good stuff and not the store brand.  Every damn time I went to tear a strip off, it got all bunched up on itself, and I ended up with a sticky blob.  I think it's a plot to make you waste it so you have to buy more.

And I finally had a year where I didn't have to buy any bows, tags, or wrap--I had plenty left from last year.  Now, if only I'd've had some spare gift does that happen with gift bags, anyway?  They're reusable, so why doesn't anyone every have any left at Christmas to reuse?  I think they must migrate back to the factory in the fall- another evil plot to make us spend-spend-spend!

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