Monday, October 18, 2010

If I Have To Watch One More Political Ad, I Will Scream

..and scream and scream.  I hate all this pre-election stuff-it's like a big lying competition.  You know they're not going to do what they say they are.  And all of them hate what's going on in Washington, until they're a member of the club-then that opinion changes pretty quickly, and they're toeing the party line.

I wonder what would happen if the President and Congress were all Independents?  Food for thought!

I also think we could get more women to run for office if we abolished the political pantsuit.  Horrible things, pantsuits--it's like '70's leisure suits for women.  Ladies in politics should not be required to look like an overstuffed cushion.

And how in the world did we get anyone running for a major political office who's ad starts out "I'm not a witch."?  How do these things happen? :-0

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