Sunday, October 31, 2010

Trick or Treat!

Well, I just turned out the porch light this Halloween night.  I'd say I had about 250 little (and not so little ) trick-or-treaters at my door.  It's cute when you get a little one that's never done the trick or treat thing before-they're just mesmerized at the sight of all that candy in the bowl!  Then they finally try to grab a handful, and Mom or Dad says "No! Just one."

And for the first time since the first "Scream" movie came out, I didn't have one kid at my door wearing that mask.  One year I had about a dozen of 'em.  It was a variety this year; some from Toy Story, an assortment of zombies, even an Alfalfa (I'm surprised a kid today would even know who Alfalfa was!).  At least there weren't any Kate Gosselins; that'd REALLY be scary.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Guilty Pleasures

I'm sitting here watching that show The Millionaire Matchmaker.   Now I'm not much of a reality show fan, but there's something fascinating about this one.  It's like a mini-lesson in pscychology. It seems that in order to be a millionaire, you have to be an a**.  This isn't true for all the millionaires, but I can definitely see why most of them can't find a decent date.  So they pay this loud pushy woman to find someone for them.  When she asks what they're looking for, they all want perfect.  When the pushy lady introduces them to a room full of nice women, they always pick the cheap tramp who's out for their money.  Then they go out on this big-time date trying to impress the tramp.  I guess rich doesn't neccessarily mean smart!

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Old knees

I wish I knew how I ended up with knees that are 25 years older than the rest of me.  They're always reminding me how old they are, too.  Like today; I was hiking up on the trails at Hawk Mountain, and somehow it was harder to do than in years past.  Bending my legs to climb up a steep and rocky trail was never a problem in years past, but it is these days.  And I'm sure not looking forward to getting out of bed in the morning--the damn knees will probably be frozen in place.  In another 10 years I'll needed to move to a state that's completely flat, so I won't have to bend them at all.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Everything old is new again.

There was a seamstress lady on the news tonight, showing how she could take vintage clothing and alter it into something modern and stylish.  I'm sitting here wondering what she could've done with things I've long since gotten rid of, like my fake Members Only jacket or my myriad 1980's bridesmaids dresses.  Especially the bridesmaids dresses-all those poofy sleeves and bows!  The sleeves and bows alone probably had enough material in them to make a fairly large tablecloth.  In the '80's it was like the more bows you had on your dress, the more of a status symbol it was.  I blame Madonna-she started the bow thing with the one in her hair.

Oh, who am I kidding anyway?  Even if I had hung on to some of my "vintage" clothing, my present-day backside wouldn't fit into any of it!

Monday, October 18, 2010

If I Have To Watch One More Political Ad, I Will Scream

..and scream and scream.  I hate all this pre-election stuff-it's like a big lying competition.  You know they're not going to do what they say they are.  And all of them hate what's going on in Washington, until they're a member of the club-then that opinion changes pretty quickly, and they're toeing the party line.

I wonder what would happen if the President and Congress were all Independents?  Food for thought!

I also think we could get more women to run for office if we abolished the political pantsuit.  Horrible things, pantsuits--it's like '70's leisure suits for women.  Ladies in politics should not be required to look like an overstuffed cushion.

And how in the world did we get anyone running for a major political office who's ad starts out "I'm not a witch."?  How do these things happen? :-0

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Before Walmart

I was at Walmart today, and as always it made me miss all the stores that aren't there anymore.  You used to be able to go shopping and all the stores had different things-nowadays, most of them carry the same or similar merchandise.  And a lot of them had a snack bar or a resaurant-Kresge's and Woolworth's had a lunch counter, Two Guy's had a snack bar with a little bowling alley.  The closest you get to that today is Target's snack bar where they always burn the popcorn!

And what is it about Walmart that makes babies cry?  I don't think I've ever been in a Walmart that there's not been at least one baby screaming it's little head off.  Maybe they're just taking advantage of the acoustics of the place for some extra "mommy I want it" volume. :)

Sunday, October 10, 2010


Today (in case you haven't noticed), is October 10, 2010.  10/10/10.  They said on the news today that there was a rush to the alter for brides and grooms, as this date is supposed to signify new beginnings.  Seemed like just another day to me, though. ;-)

It makes one wonder why people get so psyched up about such things.  After all, it's just numbers on a calendar.  Nothing too interesting happened today, nor did the world come to an end.  It didn't  on 9/9/09, or on 8/8/08, etc.,either, and I doubt it will on 11/11/11.  And yet we have all these people that are sure the world will end on December 21, 2012, because the Mayans made a calendar that ends on that date.  I have a calendar in my kitchen that will end on December 31, 2010, but I sincerely doubt that the world will end on that day, either.

Maybe the Mayans just ran out of room for more dates on the stone.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Oh, technology...

I'm sitting here writing this on my new (re-conditioned) teeny tiny netbook. It's taking some getting used to-I'm just glad my hands aren't any bigger than they are!  It's kind of weird to think that it's something that wasn't even thought of when I was a child, and I sit here using it like it's nothing.  Yet some things continue on unchanged. It's comforting to know that Legos and Kool Aid and the Candyland game continue on.  And yet I like all this tech stuff,too- it's great to be able to have a phone with you always in case of emergency, and to always be able to have all your favorite music in your pocket.  I guess that comes of boing part of my generation-we've seen so much change, and I think we'll see a whole lot more in the years to come.

Monday, October 4, 2010

Too Young To Be A Hippie

I'm a Baby Boomer, or so the demographics say-the Baby Boom ended in 1964, and I was born in '63.   I and my fellow Late Boomers can't quite be lumped in with the earliers Boomers, though- we were just kids when the whole Vietnam Protest/Summer of Love thing was going on.  Kind of a shame for me; I would've made a fine hippie.  Peace, Love, and Power to the People, that's me! :)  No, on my side of the Boom we had the moon launch and Easy Bake Ovens,  Star Wars and the Kiss Army.  It's a whole different perspective on life.  I hope you enjoy my musings on Late Boomer life, then and now.