Saturday, May 28, 2011

Lessons Learned Online

I was reading a post on another blog about things the blogger had learned in his two years writing online.

It got me thinking-I've only been writing a short time, but after being online for about a decade I've learned some lessons over all.

  1. You really can't make millions in your sleep.
  2. Lots of people have cute cats.
  3. Every news site reports the same news.
  4. Spam is more than just canned meat.
  5. I have body parts that need to be enlarged that I didn't even know I had.
  6. People will say anything if they think they're annonymous.
  7. Be careful what you wear to WalMart.
  8. You have more "friends" from high school on Facebook than you every had real friends while you were in school.
  9. There are many talented people with videos on YouTube; unfortunately, some of them are talented at really weird things.
  10. Some celebrities just can't stay out of trouble.
At least I've been payin' attention!

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Getting Brave With The Blogging

Okay, I did what all the experts suggested, and started a Wordpress blog.  Yikes!

To tell the truth, it wasn't as daunting as I thought it would be.  If you pick a host that has a one-click Wordpress install,  they pretty much walk you through it.

One thing that made it a whole lot easier for me?  I started on Blogger.  Blogger is a great place to learn the art of blogging; everything is so sensibly laid out that you even the least computer-savvy person can learn to set up a blog here.

I may have started a new blog using WP (strictly because I think I might be able to sell it at some point), but I'm still a big fan of Blogger.  It's so easy, and you can make such a nice blog- and best of all, it's FREE!  I love free! 

Though from a business standpoint it's certainly a good idea to own a blog outright if you may want to sell it in future,  I will by no means be abandoning Blogger.  It's a great blogging platform.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Weird Dreams

Never ever does a dream of mine make sense.
Last night was no exception.  I dreamed that I had a blue Ford Focus, and I kept trying to park it in front of my parents' house, but no matter what I did it wasn't right.  I'd back into the space, turn the car off, and get out and check- and each time something was wrong.  I was too far from the curb, or parked at an angle, or half-way in the driveway.  Then I started pulling the car up, putting it in neutral, and pushing the car into the space.  Time after time that didn't work either.  Then I woke up.

Weird!  And I didn't eat any spicy food before bedtime either. 

I suppose if this dream has a "meaning", it's pretty obvious-trying the same thing the same way over and over will get the same result.  I didn't need a night parking a car to tell me that!

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Another One Bites The Dust

I did it again. I broke another cookie jar.

Cookie jars, mugs, butter dishes- I simply cannot be trusted with anything breakable.  One wrong move and smash! another one bites the dust.

And this one was my last cookie jar, except for the snowman one. As I'm not getting him out in May, it's time to go cookie jar shopping.

I'm kind of torn, here- I like cute character cookie jars, but of course they're all ceramic.  And I know what'll happen- it always does.  So of course I don't want to pay much.  But the cutesy cookie jars always cost more. 

Of course I could get a plain glass one; they're cheap.  And they don't break as easily.  But they're not cute! 

Dilemma, dilemma...

Plastic?  Tin?  Maybe cast iron, just to be on the safe side.

The search continues......